Oh how we loved this exhibition. Covering the period from the last Impressionist exhibition (1886) to the start of the World War 1, it explores the individuals that shaped the direction of modern art, the movements they were part of and the cities where it all happened. It is a brilliant art history lesson. Yes, little ones will enjoy the pictures but for teens with an interest in modern art, it is a must see. You want to be able to read and engage with the gallery introductions and the excellent notes next to individual paintings.
See how form got flattened with a masterclass from Cezanne and Gaugin. Head to Barcelona and Brussels, Vienna and Berlin to see how - in addition to Paris - different European cities influenced new styles. As art heads towards abstraction, you understand the different movements (Symbolism, Fauvism, Cubism) that take it there.
The exhibition's linear narrative may be traditional but it gives a clarity to an explosion of new ideas and puts these extraordinary works of art into a cohesive context in a way that young visitors will remember for life. The adult ticket price starts at a hefty £24 but U18s are free. Go!
After Impressionism: Inventing Modern Art is at the National Gallery to 13 Aug Tickets: £24–£26 adults, U18s free.
Emily Turner