Tate Modern is all about threads at the moment. The Hyundai Commission: Cecilia Vicuña Brain Forest Quipu has filled the Turbine Hall with two giant shaggy woven hangings (to 16 April, free).
Upstairs in the Blavatnik Building, Magdalena Abakanowicz Every Tangle of Thread and Rope is a sensory delight of vast forms made of hemp and natural fibres.
This radical Polish artist created massive installations (before the word was even a word) known as Abakans. A master weaver, her giant forms are extraordinary, multi-faceted structures. Using natural dyes - deep blacks, oranges, reds - some have human characteristics. Children will love walking through the 'forest' of forms, hiding behind them, spotting human elements. It's a multi-sensory experience as the smell of wool and sisal fills the gallery space. Sadly you are not allowed to touch them but you still have a sense of being fully immersed in colour and warmth.
Particularly good one for younger kids and U12s are free.
Magdalena Abakanowicz Every Tangle of Thread and Rope is at Tate Modern to 21 May. Tickets: £16 adults, £5 ages 12–18, under 12s free.
Emily Turner