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REVIEW: Discover Constable & The Hay Wain

Writer's picture: dandeliondandelion

Small but perfectly formed, new show Discover Constable & The Hay Wain, frames Constable as quite the radical artist. Often cheapened by fudge boxes and tea towels the NG are shining a light on this hugely infuentail Suffolk artist who in his time challenged the norms of landscape paintings.

Far from Fen Lane and painted in his London studio The Hay Wain (wain means wagon) was created mostly from Constables childhood memories of his familys working corn mill in Suffolk. This painting takes centre stage at the show with lots of his prepartory sketches created over a twenty year period.

As you enter the gallery there is a really intersting timeline showing the influence his painting has had on others artists. Constables scene has became a symbol of 'unspoilt' British countryside - war, pollution and climate change have influnenced many artists to respond in different ways to his landscape idyl. Digital artist Devine created the first image below after the record temperatures of summer 2022. The second image by Cold War Steve shows Boris Johnson knee deep in water with the last by Peter Kennard showing Constables wagon loaded with cruise missiles.

Opening just in time for half term - avoid the queues for the Van Gogh (now sold out unless you are a member) and head to this free show instead. Great kids lunch boxes in the Espresso Bar by Muriel's just round the corner and downstairs.

Julia Colls 15 Oct 2024

National Gallery

17 Oct-2 Feb



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