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Trolls and Pip & Pop at Kew Gardens

Writer's picture: dandeliondandelion

We were lucky to get a sneak peak of Kew Gardens new summer art show : Food Forever. With five large scale installations it's a must visit this summer. The 15ft trolls are AWESOME!

When Flowers Dream by Pip & Pop

Candy wonderland! Artist Pip & Pop (AKA Tanya Schultz) has pulled together the most colour saturated serotonin releasing art installation entitled 'When Flowers Dream'. This technicolour food utopia coated in sugar is the stuff of the sweetest of dreams. Open til 5 March in the Shirley Sherwood Gallery.

Meet Matt and Helen

Just a little bit in love with Matt and Helen, two 15ft wooden trolls, created by recycle art activist Thomas Dambo. These gentle giants are made out of reclaimed timber and busy munching on food we throw away they are trolls with an eco message. Eating plant-based food can benefit not just our tummies but our minds too. Seek out all 90 trolls online inhabiting mountains, forests and parks world-wide from China to Puerto Rico.

Shooting at Hunger created by Ghanaian artist Serge Attukwei is inspired by the prolific use of yellow cans across Africa. Using discarded plastics found near his home Clottey shapes, cuts and weaves refuse into large-scale sculptures. The ambient African music is very moving.

The Breach by Leandro Erlich is a plant filled reflective labyrinth. Each section houses a different crop and reflects its surroundings. It wasn't quite finished when we visited but we think it will be really effective once the plants have grown. Finally Sharp & Sour explores how we can protect endangered foods across the globe. Heaps of facts here to absorb. Learn how many foods we take for granted like coffee and chickpeas could be threatened with extinction.

Pop along to a family drop-in session every weekend from 11am–4pm in the Food Forever Corner with heaps of inspiring recipes and fun activities.

Running from May until 18 September.

Julia Colls 21 May 2022


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